How to Submit Tickets to IT

Instructions for how to submit a ticket

Last Updated: March 17th, 2025

A ticket is an online request to fix a problem or perform a task.

Step 1
: Go to the online Help Desk, and select Sign in located in the top-right. Log in with your LCC Microsoft account (i.e. and your ExpressLane password).
Step 2: Select "Submit IT Request". 

submit IT request button highlightedSubmit IT Request buttonStep 3: Choose the most appropriate category (if unsure select "Employee Help Desk"), then select the service describing your issue.
IT Categories

IT Services

Step 4: Choose "Request Service" once you're viewing the appropriate issue.

Request Service button

Step 5: Choose the priority type. (This refers to how important the issue is and how quickly it must be fixed.

Urgency options

Step 6: Write a message explaining your problem, please include as many details as possible and upload any screenshots or images, then use the "Request" button at the bottom.

Step 7: If everything worked correctly, you should see a "Request Created Successfully!" notice. You will receive an email with the details of your request.
Confirmation notification 
Congratulations! You've submitted a ticket! IT Helpdesk will view it and get to work as soon as possible.

ATC Support & Hours of Operation

Weekday Support, Monday - Friday

The ATC is open to in-person assistance. Support is available through the above remote options and on campus at CEN 208

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