Create Labels in Moodle

Creating Labels for your Moodle course

Last Updated: July 24th, 2023

A label is first and foremost a spacer for information on Moodle. You can use it to label a section in a week on your course. Say you have multiple videos you want your students to watch, you can use a label and title it Required Videos to Watch and then place all videos beneath this label.

Creating Labels

  1. Turn editing on.
  2. Scroll down to the week you want to work in, and select Add and Activity or Resource.
  3. Scroll through the Activities and Resources until you come across Text and media area (formerly known as a label).Moodle icons with Text and media area icon highlighted.
  4. You’re now in general settings of the Label. Write what you want you for a description, and if you want to make the text bolded, italic or anything else, click on the little arrow in the left hand corner of the general textbox.The image shows the basic text editor, and a keyboard icon in the top left. The settings will open up like this:The image shows the advanced text editor.
  5. Once you have the label all set up, scroll down to the bottom of the page and select Save and Return to Course
  6. You’ll be taken back to your course homepage and the week you were editing in. The label you just made will be at the bottom of that week.
    To move the label, click and drag  to move the label to its appropriate spot.

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