How to Create and Edit Tables

How to add grid lines to a table in Moodle

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

Moodle Tables should be used for data. If you need a way to display lists of information similar to how one would do it with a table you should be using columns. Using tables for visual formatting creates accessibility issues for those using screen readers.

Creating the Table
How to Add More Columns/Rows
Changing the Color of the Table
How to Add Grid Lines
Format Your Table to be Mobile-Friendly

How to Format Content Without Using a Table

Creating the Table

  1. In your course, make sure you have turned editing on (the toggle icon) located in the top right-hand corner of your course. 
  2. Scroll down to the week you wish to edit, and click on Add an activity or resource. Choose which item works best for your purposes.
  3. Once in the settings of the activity/resource you choose, in the Description box click on the little keyboard icon in the left-hand corner.
    Expand button in the text editor.
  4. Once that menu expands, select the table icon on the right side.
    Table button in the third row of the text editor in Moodle.
  5. You’ll see a new menu for the settings of the table itself. Change the number of columns and rows to what you would like, enter a caption for the table, and then click on Create Table at the bottom of the window.
    Caption and row and column controls in the table editor.

I want to add more columns/rows to my table, how do I do that?

  1. Make sure you have editing turned on.
  2. Go to the Edit Settings of your activity/resource that has the table in it.
  3. Click into your table and then click on the table button (you may need to expand your editor controls). You’ll see a menu like this one pop up.
    Table button after clicking into a table, shows options for add columns after, moving columns left and right, delete columns, and edit table.
  4. Hover your mouse over the item you want to add more of (i.e. the columns or rows.), or click Edit Table to add more rows and columns in bulk. 

Can I change the color of the table itself? Or change the color of the cells?

Yes, you can change the color of the table, but you cannot change the color of a single cell.

Changing the color of the table

  1. Click into your table and then click on the table button (you may need to expand your editor controls). You’ll see a menu like this one pop up. Click Edit Table.
    Table button after clicking into a table, shows option for edit table.
  2. You’ll be brought back to the general settings of the table. Change the color of the entire table by selecting a Background Color.
    Background color options white, red, yellow, green, blue, and black in the Edit table window..
  3. Once you’ve selected your color click Update Table.

How do I add grid lines to my table?

The table grid lines are already there, you just have to make them more evident by changing the color.

    1. Click into your table and then click on the table button (you may need to expand your editor controls). You’ll see a menu like this one pop up. Click Edit Table.
      Table button after clicking into a table, shows option for edit table.
    2. You’re now in the general settings of your table.Set all of these settings to make your borders appear: 
      1. Change the border to where you want your borders to appear.
      2. Change the style to the type of line you want bordering the table.
      3. Change the size of the border to 1 and choose a border color to make them visible.
        Options for Borders, style boraders, size of borders, and border color in the table editor window.

Format your table to be mobile-friendly.

To make your table mobile friendly and adjust to the size of the screen follow these steps:

  1. Click into your table and then click on the table button (you may need to expand your editor controls). You’ll see a menu like this one pop up. Click Edit Table.
    Table button after clicking into a table, shows option for edit table. 
  2.  You’re now in the general settings of your table. Change the width to a percent you want it to cover the screen width. (50% will always take up a width of half of the screen.)
    Table width option in the table editor window. Enter a whole number without the percent sign.
  3. Click Update Table.

How to format content without using a table.

To format content without using content follow these steps:

  1. Edit the settings of the activity, resource, label or text area.
  2. Once in the settings of the activity/resource you choose, in the Description box click on the little keyboard icon in the left-hand corner.
    Expand button in the text editor.
  3. Click the Bootstrap grid button to the right of the table button.
    Bootstrap grid button to the right of the table button.
  4. Select the formatting you want to use.
    Select grid options for two column, three column, one left column and larger area to the right, one right column and larger area to the left, 4 column and 6 column options.
  5. Enter your text and format how you would like using the column spaces you selected.
    Example showing three column layout with a bulleted list of words in each column.

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