Bulk Changing Due Dates in Moodle

Use the Dates report to bulk edit due dates for all activities

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

You can bulk change due dates on all Moodle activities on the Dates report. This can be useful when moving courses forward by being able to change all due dates on one page. To do this start from your Moodle course page. 

  1. Click Reports at the top of the page.Course home page with Reports highlighted at the top
  2. Select "Dates." Reports options shown with dates highlighted
    1. Clicking “Expand all” on the right side of the page will open all sections and show all activities. After clicking Expand all, all weeks that have activities will open up.
    2. Using the drop down menu on the top left allows you to select a specific activity type to display (i.e. assignments, quizzes, books, etc.).
    3. For each activity you can change all date settings. Selecting “Add restricted access” will open a new window that takes you to edit the activity itself.Activity view filter with activity type, expand all and save changes highlighted
  3. Once you have made your updates click “Save changes” at the top or bottom of the page.

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