How to Use Enhanced Classrooms

Detailed description of how to use every type of enhanced classroom on campus 

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

There are many different types of Enhanced Classrooms on campus.

Find what type your classroom is: 

Enhanced Classroom Guide Sheet

If you already know what type your classroom is, click one of the links below:

Type 3
Type 4

Type 5
Type 6 

Type 7

Type 8

Group Study Rooms

Markerspace Lab TV

Haugland Commons

Media Cart
Reference for Media Carts
Center Building Rooms:

CEN 130 CEN 202 CEN 203

CEN 217 CEN 219 CEN 229

CEN 234 CEN 303 CEN 308

CEN 401 CEN 402 CEN 416

CEN 423 CEN 425 CEN 427
CEN 431 CEN 432 CEN 437

Student Help Desk Support (SHeD)

The student help desk is located on main campus in the Library (center building).

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