Requesting Help for Question Bank Imports

Information for instructors who are looking to upload a question bank for use in Moodle quizzes

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

Need help creating or uploading a question bank?

Want the ATC to help you get a question bank(s) into your Moodle course? We'd be happy to help!

Please check with the information in this article to find out what we need from you, then let us know what we can do either by email, phone, or stopping by the ATC.

Question Banks vs. Quiz

What is a question bank? It is a reusable collection of questions that can be managed and used in a course by course basis.

What is a quiz in Moodle? It is an activity that uses Question Bank content to easily prepare tests with various configurations. For more information on the Moodle Quiz module, please refer to this article.

What is the source of the Question Bank

There are many different ways to procure a question bank, and it's helpful for us to know where the document came from.

The most common sources will be:

  • Downloaded from a publisher's website (examview, blackboard, etc)
  • Manually created digital file (.doc, .rtf, etc)
  • Paper copy

Our preferences

We will always do our best to work with you and the materials you have, but we do have a few preferences when it comes to receiving question banks (best option first):

  • The login information to download from a publisher's website
  • Digital file in AIKEN or GIFT format
  • Microsoft Word document or other word processor
  • Paper copy

Lastly, we need access to the answer key of the question bank. These will need to be included any time we are not downloading the bank ourselves.

ATC Support & Hours of Operation

Weekday Support, Monday - Friday

The ATC is open to in-person assistance. Support is available through the above remote options and on campus at CEN 208

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