Disabled ExpressLane Account

Directions on what to do when your ExpressLane account is disabled

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

Repeated Failed Log in Attempts

If you have more than 10 failed attempts at logging in, your account will become "disabled". If this is the case, wait for an hour and follow the forgot pin procedure. If all else fails, contact Enrollment Services to reset your account and issue you a new temporary password. 

Duplicate Email

If you are using an email address that someone else could already be using in their record with Lane, you will not be able to log into ExpressLane. Lane will only allow one person to use an email address. You need to contact Enrollment Services and give them a different email address that is unique to your account.

Old Accounts

If you last attended LaneCC more than 4 terms ago, your account may have been deactivated. Call Enrollment Services or refer to the Reactivating ExpressLane Account article to reactivate your ExpressLane account.

Enrollment Services is located in Building 1, First-floor lobby, LCC main campus, and may be reached at the email address Asklane@lanecc.edu. You may phone them at (541) 463-3100

Student Help Desk Support (SHeD)

The student help desk is located on main campus in the Library (center building).

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