Emailing Students from Previous Terms

How to send announcements to students from previous courses/terms

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

Emailing Students from Previous Terms

There are two main methods of contacting students from previous terms: using a Quickmail block, and using the Participants list. Quickmail is slightly more intuitive for large groups of students, but either method is viable!


  1. Log into Moodle and locate the course you would like to contact.
    • If you can’t find your course, be sure to check your hidden courses. Courses from prior terms that are not more than five terms old are hidden. 
    • If your course is older than five terms, contact the ATC to retrieve it from the course archives
  2. If you do not have one already, add a Quickmail block to your course:
    1. Click on the toggle in the top-right corner to toggle Edit mode On.
    2. Click Add a block on the top right hand side of the screen.
    3. Locate Quickmail in the list of blocks, and click it. You will now have a Quickmail block on the right-hand side of your course.
  3.  In the Quickmail block, click Compose New Email.
  4. Select which participants you want to message by clicking their name in the Potential Recipients box, and clicking add.
  5. Compose your message in the text boxes below.

Participants List:

  1. Log into Moodle and locate the course you would like to contact.
  2. Go to the Participants screen, and click on the profile of the student you want to contact.
  3. Next to their name on their profile, click Message.

Alternatively, to message multiple students from the Participants list:

  1. Check the boxes in the Select row on the Participants list for every student you would wish to message.
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page. You should see the text With selected users… with a drop-down menu next to it. Click on the drop-down menu, and select Send A Message.

You do not need to make the course visible in order to do either of these methods. Since students remain enrolled in courses after they have ended, they will receive the email notification even if the course is hidden from students.



This method only applies to courses in the current academic year. If a course has been moved to the offline archives, you will not be able to contact those students via Moodle

For other methods of communicating with students: Sending Announcements / Email / Messages to Your Students


ATC Support & Hours of Operation

Weekday Support, Monday - Friday

The ATC is open to in-person assistance. Support is available through the above remote options and on campus at CEN 208

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