Add McGraw-Hill Publisher Tools

A guide to adding McGraw-Hill resources to your class

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

To add resources and or pair your McGraw-Hill publisher content to your course:

Continue to utilize the old (legacy) McGraw Hill Moodle Block and course pairing process:

  1. Toggle Edit Mode on.
  2. Click on Add an activity or resource.
  3. Select External tool.
  4. Enter an activity name.
  5. Enter the Tool URL.
  6. If necessary, click Show more... to enter the consumer key and secret provided by McGraw-Hill. 
  7. Click Save and return to course.

If you would like or if it is beyond Fall 2023, follow these steps for the new integration:

End of Life (EOL) Extended for McGraw Hill / Connect "Block"

The End of Life (EOL) for McGraw Hill's / Connect / SIMnet / MH Campus “Block” integration has been extended through Summer 2023 term and possibly through Fall 2023. SIMnet users must still use MH Campus (legacy McGraw Moodle Block). The SIMnet LTIA tool is currently in pilot with a tentative release date in late Spring 2023.



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