Extend Deadline on Assignment

How to grant assignment extensions for students

Last Updated: July 27th, 2024

Single students

To grant extensions on assignments (not quizzes) for a single student, or separate students, follow the steps bellow.

  1. Go to the assignment that you want to grant an extension for a student.
  2. Click View all submissions.
    Homework 4 Assignment used as an example with view all submissions option highlighted in red.
  3. Find your student in the list.
         *If there are no students on this page displayed go to the bottom of the page and click the checkbox Quick grading.
  4. Select the Edit drop down menu for the student... 
    Homework 4 Assignment used as an example with the edit option highlighted in red.

    ...and select Grant Extension.

    Edit options shown with grant extension highlighted in red

  5. From this page you should see the original dates for the assignment. At the bottom of the list you will select the new cut off date for the student.
    Homework 4 Assignment used as an example shown with extension due date option. Save changes is highlighted in red.
  6. Select Save changes.

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